What’s Happening at Turtle Island
Fourth, Third, Second, First, and Kindergartners go to Turtle
Island. Mrs. Terry is the Enrichment
Teacher. Turtle Island is the Enrichment building. Mrs. Terry does science with all the
Mrs. Terry also does math with the 3rd and 4th
graders at Turtle Island and in the
main building with 1st and 2nd graders.
Mrs. Terry does a writing group with 3rd and 4th
grade. We are working on an on-going
blog in writing group. Writing group is
for 3rd and 4th graders.
Mrs. Terry also does a Recycling Club at recess with 1st
graders. She is also running a Chess Club with 3rd and 4th
Graders. And, she runs a Post Office
Club with 4th graders which will involve the entire school very