Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Vinton Science Fair & Invention Convention 2014

Science Fair and Invention Convention
The Science Fair and Invention Convention is on Thursday, April 24th. For the Science Fair Kindergarteners can do a collection, a demonstration or an experiment.  First graders through 3rd grade will present demonstrations or experiments. This year all 4th graders will conduct an experiment.  Mrs. Terry is hoping many 4th grade projects to conclude with participation in the Science Fair or Invention Convention.

To complete a Science Fair project you’ll need to go through the scientific method 1) Formulate a question 2)Do research. 3) Make a hypothesis or guess. 4) Plan the experiment. 5) Conduct the experiment. 6) Record data. 7) Make a conclusion. If you follow the scientific method your project will be a success.  

A Science Fair project answers a question. Some good ideas for the Science fair are... can a plant survive in a liquid other than water, how much pressure can a balloon take before it pops, and what preserves an apple the best. Also, if these ideas don’t interest you, go online to sciencebuddies.com.                                                                  

The Invention Convention solves a problem such as, not being able to reach the top shelf, stuffed animals falling off bed at night, a useful way to get rid of old stuff lying around. As you can see in the examples above, the Invention Convention solves a simple, everyday problem.

To have a successful invention first you need to do research. Check if something is already invented for your problem. Next, plan a prototype or model for your invention. After that build the prototype you planned out. If you are participating in the Invention Convention make sure your invention is into Mrs. Terry before April break if you want it to be considered to go to the Connecticut State Invention Convention..

Daniel Zhou and Jacob Bernstein

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