Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If I Had One Hundred Dollars

If I Had One Hundred Dollars
By Sarah Rose

If I had a 100 dollars I would buy a giant bookshelf I could nail onto the wall, 8 books, and 35 notebooks.

First, I would buy my bookshelf so I could put all the books and notebooks onto it. Also, it would give me more storage space. I could decorate the bookshelf in any way I pleased. I would probably decorate it in gold, and write “I’m a bookworm” in star stickers. Finally, I would make a wooden bar to hold all my stuff on the shelf.

Then, I would buy my brand new Land of stories books, 2 of each to be exact. First of all ,I would need something to take up all that shelf space. Also, it would give me backup books in case of an emergency ( mainly, my little sisters, who are always an emergency).

Finally, I’d get my notebooks. Where else would I store all of my ideas!

If I had a 100 dollars I would buy a giant bookshelf I could nail on to the wall, 8 books, and 35 notebooks. And, now you why.

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